So Ukrainian "Ultra-Patriots" (who happen to idolize WWII Ukrainian Nazi
war criminals and collaborators) put Tucker Carlson on the Mirotvorets
hit list.
Greg Krasovsky
Twitter (X)
February 7, 2024 at 8:28 PM
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So Ukrainian "Ultra-Patriots" (who happen to idolize WWII Ukrainian Nazi
war criminals and collaborators) put Tucker Carlson on the Mirotvorets
hit list.
Just because he dared to interview Vladimir Putin in Moscow!
Sad but true.
Tucker, welcome to goo company. Aside from Elon Musk, they put me on the hit list, too!
Why? Because I dared to question the official narrative and exposed the 02/24 Post-Maidan Ukrainian government, its armed forces and paramilitaries of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Donbass region of Eastern Ukraine.
And accused the U.S. government of being involved in these war crimes.
Please take a look at these Ukrainian-Russian-American Observer posts listed below.
And then ask yourself:
1. Are the U.S. and its NATO partners honestly supporting "Democracy", "Freedom" and "Western / European" values in Ukraine by sending the Ukrainian government led by president Zelensky hundreds of billions of dollars in military and financial aid?
Or is the U.S. using Ukraine, as revealed by a number of US & European politicians, in a proxy war to weaken Russia with the ultimate goal of bringing the biggest country in the world (by landmass) with the largest amount of natural resources ($75 trillion) under the political, economic, cultural and eventually military control of Euro-American Financial Industrial Groups that control political parties, politicians, senior government officials, governments, the press, social media and IT & telecommunications giants?
2. Does the U.S. government really care when U.S. citizens like Gonzalo Lira, my mother and maternal grandmother are killed by regimes that the U.S. government supports?
Or when these regimes and their supporters target U.S. citizens, including journalists, for challenging official narratives and exposing their wrongdoing?
3. Does the U.S. government really care that it supports countries, political parties, NGO and paramilitary organizations that abuse human rights massively, commit war crimes and crimes against humanity -- as long as these groups further U.S. foreign policy interests?
4. Do regular Americans and Europeans really understand that their news media (both privately & government owned), social media companies and entertainment media (movies, music, theater, TV, radio content) regularly lie to them regrading current and past events domestically and abroad, including Ukraine and Russia, by regurgitating propaganda approved by their corporate handlers and owners (those huge sinister Trans-national Financial Industrial Groups [FIGs])?
5. Should American and European citizens, including journalists, politicians, human rights supporters, lawyers, doctors, and businessmen be labeled and ostracized as
- traitors,
- useful idiots,
- puppets,
- stooges and
- agents
of foreign countries and their leaders, just because they oppose current U.S. policy or agree with and support the policies of countries that the U.S. and its allies consider their enemies?
6. Should journalists like Tucker Carlson and amateur bloggers like me be censored, shadow-banned, de-platformed, slandered, libeled, blackballed, threatened (including by exposing personal data on us and our families), persecuted and even selectively prosecuted just because we dare to
- disagree with our government(s) and the FIGs that control them and challenge the official narrative that they push?
- expose wrongdoing by our home countries and other countries and political forces & figures that they support, including corruption, human rights abuses, war crimes and crimes against humanity?
- dare to discover the truth by interviewing our home countries' opponents and engaging in independent investigative journalism?
7. Should we demand accountability and compliance with the Rule of Law (including generally accepted principles of international law) from our governments and foreign governments & politicians that are funded, supported and armed with our taxes?
8. Should we expect compliance with Constitutionally-guaranteed right, like Freedom of Speech, Assembly and Worship, by our home government and its foreign "partners" (allies & aid recipients) and demand an end to government & corporate censorship, persecution and selective prosecution of those who peacefully and lawfully expose and oppose such unconstitutional & undemocratic measures, first and foremost traditional journalists and bloggers?
1. Did Google and Bing shadow-ban "The Ukrainian Russian American Observer" from their search engine results?
By Greg Krasovsky
May 25, 2023
2. When they came for...
By Greg Krasovsky
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Here are Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson's pages on the Myrotvorets (Mirotvorets) Ukrainian Nationalist website.
Greg Krasovsky
Twitter (X)
February 7, 2024 at 8:33 PM
1. Tucker Carlson
2. Elon Musk
3. Gregory Krasovsky
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