Tuesday, December 6, 2022

War? It's all about taking, keeping & controlling Natural Resources - in/on/under/over land, water and air - and Human Resources, including the Souls of Men.

War? It's all about taking, keeping & controlling Natural Resources - in/on/under/over land, water and air  - and Human Resources, including the Souls of Men.

Greg Krasovsky

December 6, 2022

When I read Chief Crowfoot of Blackfoot Confederacy's quote (see below),

"As a present we will give you anything you can take with you, but we cannot give you the land.”

I couldn't help but think about the real causes of the current military conflict in Ukraine.
All wars are about land, water, natural resources, and human resources, including the faiths of men.
Russia is the world's biggest country (in terms of land mass), has the highest / biggest amount of valuable natural resources, occupies a strategic position in and between Europe & Asia and a population of only 140 million people.
If you don't understand that in today's world Russia is the biggest target for a "hostile takeover" -- under any acceptable pretense -- for its resources, then you don't understand "realpolitik" of modern geopolitics.
Moreover, as long as Russia remains an independent junior partner & ally of China, China stays unbeatable and will become the world's biggest and strongest superpower, especially if it's joined by BRICS states and other major countries in the developing world.

Who needs more reasons to risk an attempt to bring Russia under control?
So, from an economic, political, and military point of view, who's big & strong enough to attempt a hostile takeover of Russia today?

To be brutally honest, only one group / alliance: U.S.A, EU (NATO), including their allies, UK & its former colonies (Canada, Australia, and tiny New Zealand).
Since no one (in their right mind) wants a nuclear war with Russia (since it has arguably the world's biggest nuclear arsenal), that only leaves traditional (conventional) military conflict combined with economic warfare (sanctions), political, cultural, and even religious strategy, tactics and pressure often referred to as hybrid warfare.

But you need a strong reason to start this type of hybrid conflict and sell it to the US/EU/UK/NATO populations, businesses and politicians (you don't need to sell it to their Military-Industrial-Complex) -- especially since this type of conflict, while in its active phase will cause serious, albeit hopefully temporary, economic problems, including recessions (depressions), inflation, shortages of energy carriers (oil, natural gas, electricity) and even food.

When the potential prize (Russia and its wealth) is worth it -- especially for billionaires & their Transnational Financial-Industrial Groups [FIGs that control Western governments, politicians & political parties, industry, including entertainment and News Media (both mainstream and social media now)] -- who cares if the "hostile / hybrid take-over" will cause billions of people to suffer from inflation, unemployment, and shortages (food, energy & other resources).

After all, it's not the very rich, but ordinary people from the middle and working classes who will pay the price -- both economically and with their lives and blood on the battlefields.
So, what's an acceptable reason for starting a war to gain control over Russia that's "sell-able" to the Western populations given the above costs?

That's right folks, our UKRAINE!
This is why those of us who specialize and/or work in applied geopolitics and understand how these transnational FIGs work their magic on local & global populations knew since 2014 that Ukraine was to be used as a staging ground (launching pad) for the future war with Russia.
This is why I, as a Ukrainian, Russian, American, Jewish Nigerian stopped supporting U.S. policy toward Ukraine and Russia after spending two months (May & June 2014) in Lugansk.

I saw firsthand how 

- the Ukrainian Army & paramilitaries committed horrific numerous war-crimes against the local pro-Russian population -- crimes committed with U.S. knowledge and support while the Western supposedly-free (FIG / corporate owned) press stayed silent or lied about who was committing the vast majority of atrocities.
- our U.S. government put its money on radical Western Ukrainian Nationalists (who hated Russians and supported former Nazi war criminals & collaborators) to gain control of Ukraine, tear its population, industry, and culture away from Russia and turn it into a Russo-phobic project that would produce local foot soldiers for the future war with Russia and meat-grinder on Ukrainian battlefields.

- the U.S. controlled Ukrainian Presidents & governments since 2014 refused to end the war in Eastern Ukraine, even based on signed Minsk accords & Steinmeier roadmap.

Why refuse to end a seemingly unwinnable civil war in Eastern Ukraine, especially when both sides are receiving foreign military assistance? 

Two simple reasons:

(1) War is very profitable.

You can sell weapons & other services to the military, take bribes, kickbacks, steal money & weapons, re-sell them, and write off a lot of stolen stuff as destroyed in warfare.
You can also make a lot of money from and steal even humanitarian aid, including for reconstruction, through corruption and theft.

(2) The U.S. controlled Ukrainian governments did not want an amnestied pro-Russian electorate from the Eastern Ukrainian coal-mining region (Donbass) with new limited autonomy to rejoin Ukrainian politics and potentially vote for a Pro-Russian government or stage another government coup like in 2014, but in favor of Pro-Russian forces.

So from 2014 until today the Ukrainian government, its security forces, military and paramilitaries did the following to Donetsk and Lugansk regions (Donbass) of Eastern Ukraine and pro-Russian populations elsewhere in Ukraine:

1. The Ukrainian Army shelled civilian areas, destroyed civilian infrastructure, and killed innocent civilians -- including the elderly, women and children -- without any fear of retribution or prosecution.

   - Local people were left without electricity, clean running water, heat, affordable food, consumer products and medical care.

2. The elderly were left without Ukrainian government pensions and state-provided free medical care, and many died, including from stress, lack of medical care & medicines, unsanitary living conditions and poor nutrition.

3. Ukraine enacted an economic blockade of Donbass. leading to shortages and destruction of local industry.

4. Laws were enacted against freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion, which restricted any Pro-Russian activities or movements.
5. Suspected Pro-Russian activists, sympathizers and alleged separatists were detained, beaten, tortured, imprisoned and/or killed not only by Ukrainian law enforcement, security, and military forces, but also by Radical Ukrainian paramilitary groups, including those with Neo-Nazi ideology.
6. Ukrainian Eastern Orthodox churches that reported to the Moscow patriarchate were seized, priests & parishioners beaten, kidnapped and some killed.
7. Laws were enacted against the Russian language, including its use in media, business and politics and its instruction in schools. 

- Anyone who publicly defended the Russian language or proposed its status as a second official language of Ukraine was branded a Russian / Kremlin / Putin agent and subject to persecution.

8. Ukrainian assets belonging to Russian corporations, including with partial state ownership, were confiscated.

9. Ukraine was given NATO weapons and military training on Ukrainian soil by NATO instructors
10. Perhaps the worst and most dangerous program was the U.S. run & managed biological laboratory program -- allegedly to study local pathogens, but in reality, to perform gain-of-function research on potential biological weapons (or, as some would say, on biological weapons with potential)  

In the summer and fall of 2021 I watched with horror as Russia warned Ukraine and its U.S. overlords that the following would lead to Russia taking military action:

- continued shelling of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.
- Ukraine joining NATO, allowing NATO bases or NATO troops on its soil.

- Ukraine allowing any NATO missile systems, including dual-purpose anti-ballistic missiles, to be placed on its territory.

In response, the U.S.

 - refused to accept Russia's reasonable demands (regarding keep Ukraine out of NATO and NATO out of Ukraine)

 - continued its biological laboratory program, and

 - allowed Ukraine's president Zelensky to start talking about Ukraine not only joining NATO, but also re-acquiring nuclear weapons.    

Since the military conflict started on February 24, 2022, I've watched with sadness 

- loss of human life on both sides

- war crimes and crimes against humanity, including those intentionally ignored or lied about by main-stream media
- destruction of civilian infrastructure
- intentional turning of residential and industrial areas into battle zones, leading to their destruction and loss of civilian lives
- Intentional Ukrainian shelling of Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (biggest in Europe) sever since the Russian military took control of it.

-- This means that the Zelensky Administration and its U.S. overlords are willing to use a nuclear "incident" (i.e., intentional release of radioactive materials by shelling / bombing / drone / missile) to justify additional NATO involvement in Ukraine and/or to prevent further Russian advances into Ukraine.  

- intentional destruction & shelling of chemical facilities by the Ukrainian army, releasing dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere and endangering thousands of civilian lives
- intentional targeting of residential areas to punish the local population for their alleged support of Russia and/pr Pro-Russian Ukrainian Separatists

- use of civilians as human shields, including by preventing their evacuation from war zones
- expanded use of Nazi symbols, patches, and memorabilia by Ukrainian soldiers

- beating, torture and murder of prisoners of war
- Encouragement of Russophobia and radical Ukrainian Nationalism (including supremacist ideology)
- Western politicians outright lying about the status and causes of the current military conflict in Ukraine and what's needed to end it (negotiated settlement)

- Western Mainstream media ignoring Ukrainian misconduct, lying about the state of affairs and even spreading outright fake news about Russian actions preceding and during this conflict

- Western social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram) and search engines (Google, Bing) actively censoring & removing content that doesn't agree with current USA/EU/NATO/UA Anti-Russian narrative

Why should all of us be alarmed?
Because if these insane globalists have it their way -- continued war in Ukraine (that could expand easily to neighboring states) to weaken and eventually assume control over Russia -- then we're likely to face a realistic prospect of World War III.

Remember, WW III doesn't need to start with a nuclear salvo - it can start with NATO states or troops getting deployed, launching attacks and/or fighting on Ukrainian or Russian soil, airspace, or territorial waters.
But WW III will likely end with the use of nuclear weapons (including "dirty" bombs or missiles), biological weapons or even chemical weapons.

Let's hope that WW III never starts, but if it does, that the horror from even the limited use of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons will end the conflict before it threatens the existence of the entire human race.


December 4, 2022 at 8:17 AM
"Crowfoot stood and watched as the white man spread many one dollar bills on the ground.

“This is what the white man trades with; this is his buffalo robe. Just as you trade skins, we trade with these pieces of paper.”

When the white chief had laid all his money on the ground and shown how much he would give if the Indians would sign a treaty, Crowfoot took a handful of clay, made a ball out of it and put it on the fire.

It did not crack.

Then he said to the white man, Now put your money on the fire and see if it will last as long as the clay.

The white man said, No….my money will burn because it is made of paper.

With an amused gleam in his eyes the old chief said, Oh, your money is not as good as our land, is it?

The wind will blow it away; the fire will burn it; water will rot it. But nothing will destroy our land.

You don’t make a very good trade.

Then with a smile, Crowfoot picked up a handful of sand from the river bank, handed it to the white man and said, You count the grains of sand in that while I count the money you give for the land.

The white man said, I would not live long enough to count this, but you can count the money in a few minutes.

Very well, said the wise Crowfoot, our land is more valuable than your money. It will last forever.

It will not perish as long as the sun shines and the water flows, and through all the years it will give life to men and animals, and therefore we cannot sell the land.

It was put there by the Great Spirit and we cannot sell it because it does not really belong to us.

You can count your money and burn it with a nod of a buffalo’s head, but only the Great Spirit can count the grains of sand and the blades of grass on these plains.

As a present we will give you anything you can take with you, but we cannot give you the land.”

Chief Crowfoot : Blackfoot Confederacy

