Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Israel and Palestine: Media manipulation of equal rights & responsibilities and being held to the same standards.

Israel and Palestine: Media manipulation of equal rights & responsibilities and being held to the same standards.

Greg Krasovsky
December 5, 2023
Watch the video reel (see link at the end of this post) and then ask yourself the following question:

 Which ball is bigger, the blue ball or the red ball?

 Or are the blue & red balls equal?

This is how easily humans can be manipulated...!

Forget about comparing balls or circles -- why can we humans be so easily manipulated into believing that people are not equal just because of the color of their skin, religion, ethnicity or citizenship?


So let's perform a test on an issue as serious as cancer - the current state of Israeli-Palestinian relations - and see if we have been manipulated to reject basic universal tenets of modern democracy:
If you believe yourself to be  

A. a supporter of

- liberty,
- equality, and
- universal brotherhood

- freedom,
- democracy, and
- justice, 

across all races, ethnicities, religions and socioeconomic groups.

B. a member of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, the Druze or Bahai faiths who believes in good, opposes evil, leads a moral life and aims toward spiritual enlightenment.

C. a defender of human rights, especially for children, women and the elderly.
D. a staunch and unwavering opponent of 

- human rights violations,
- war crimes,
- crimes against humanity,
  -- terrorism,
  -- ethnic cleansing and
  -- genocide,

then, regardless of whether you "support" Israel, Palestine, Jews or Arabs (incl. Palestinians), ask yourself the following questions and come up with honest and objective answers:  
1. Do Palestinians have the same right to statehood as Israelis, their own ethno-state with
  - political, economic and military independence,
  - secure borders,
  - fully functioning executive, legislative and judicial branches
  - its own currency and central bank, and
  - its own law enforcement, security, intelligence and military forces
2. Do Palestinians have the same human & legal rights as Israelis?

2.1. freedom & liberty

- freedom of speech,
- freedom religion,
- right to bear arms,
- right to travel abroad,
- right of association,

2.2. democracy 

- right to elect its own politicians on all levels and branches of government (executive, legislative and judicial),

- freedom from foreign interference in domestic political affairs,

2.3. security & safety

- equal protection & treatment under the law,
- protection from police brutality & excessive use of force
- protection from selective prosecution, unlawful arrest and detention

2.4. economic well-being

- equal rights to own land & real estate
- equal rights to import & export goods & equipment
- equal rights to engage in a any lawful business activity through companies, corporations or as sole proprietors / entrepreneurs

3. Do Palestinian women and children deserve the same rights to protection as Israeli women & children from

- discrimination,
- persecution,
- selective prosecution,
- false imprisonment,
- terrorism,
- ethnic cleansing,
- genocide,
- violence,
- torture,
- rape,
- kidnapping,
- manslaughter, and
- murder?


4. Does a Palestinian state (autonomy) have the same right to self-defense and self-protection as the Israeli state?
5. Does the Palestinian state (autonomy) have the same responsibilities as the Israeli State (Israel) to prevent, execute and prosecute all those who conspire, attempt or have already committed

- serious crimes listed above, including crimes of violence,
- hate crimes (based on ethnicity, religion, race, nationality),
     -- vandalism & destruction of property,
     -- environmental sabotage,
     -- ethnic intimidation & harassment,
     -- ethnic cleansing
     -- genocide

- crimes against humanity, and

- war crimes?

6. Does the Israeli state (Israel), including its law enforcement, military, security and intelligence agencies, have the same duties & responsibilities -- including before the International Community of States and Peoples -- as the Palestinian state (autonomy) to protect its civilians (citizens, residents, foreign visitors) from harm, including becoming "collateral damage" during

- police & security operations,
- anti-terrorist operations,
- limited military operations, and even
- open warfare with other states,


- evacuating civilians ahead of such operations

   -- with proper temporary shelter, food & water, medical care, communications, education for children

- refraining from using naval forces, aviation, artillery and armored vehicles, including using missiles, bombs, mortars and mines, in areas with concentrations of civilians who are likely to be hurt or killed  (become "collateral damage")

- refraining from using "collective responsibility" measures (i.e. war crimes) to punish & intimidate (a) criminals, terrorists, insurgents, militants, and separatists and (b) local populations from supporting them), such as by deprivation and/or destruction of

  -- food & water
  -- medical care, pharmaceuticals and medical supplies,
  -- fuel (gas, oil, coal), electricity and sewage services
  -- adequate shelter (by destruction of permanent & temporary housing)
  -- safe transportation (personal & public sea, air and land transport)
  -- reliable communications (landline, cellular, satellite & internet)

  -- travel, including the ability to leave areas of conflict and operations (even leaving the state altogether, temporarily or permanently), generally called voluntary evacuation,

  -- access to humanitarian aid (domestic or foreign),

 -- access to education ( by  blocking, targeting & destroying educational facilities for children and adults),

  -- access to religious services (by blocking, targeting or destroying houses of worship), and

  -- access to cultural institutions (museums, galleries & historical heritage sites (by blocking, targeting or destroying them).

7. Should Palestinian members (personnel and volunteers) of certain professions and organizations vital to the health, safety and well-being of society, enjoy the same rights and protections as their Israeli counterparts, especially in zones of anti-terrorist and military operations where their emergency services are needed?

  - medics (physicians, nurses, paramedics),

  - emergency services (fire, rescue, police, coast guard),

  - disaster relief organizations (e.g. Red Cross / Red Crescent societies),

  - utility service organizations (electricity, heating/cooling, oil-gas- coal-based fuels, water, sewage)
  - public transportation and communications services
  - organizations & groups for emergency / humanitarian delivery of food, water, medical supplies and other necessities,
- human rights organizations (e.g. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc.)
- journalists (TV, Radio, Newspaper, internet publications, blogs and social media platforms)

 This includes the right to

  - have free access to affected areas and individuals,
  - evacuate affected individuals,
  - set up and maintain temporary shelter,
  - restore and maintain provision of vital services,

without the fear of being detained, beaten, kidnapped, targeted, or killed, either intentionally (e.g. by snipers) or as "collateral damage" from bombs, missiles, artillery shells, mortars or grenades.
8. Do the followers of Islam (Muslims) have the same rights and responsibilities as the followers of Judaism (Jews) on the territory of both the Israeli state and the Palestinian state (autonomy) to the state's protection of and non-interference in their

  - faith,
  - holy texts,
  - religious figures and leaders (prophets & etc.)

  - religious rituals (circumcisions, bar/bat mitzvah, wedding, etc.)
  - religious celebrations,
  - religious traditions (incl. clothing),

  - religious organizations,
  - houses of worship, and
  - religious (holy) sites, including archeological sites,

from discrimination, harassment, unequal treatment under the law, persecution, attack, vandalism, desecration and destruction?
If you don't believe that Israelis and Palestinians, including their governments, politicians, religious leaders and various organizations, should be held to the same standards or have the same rights and responsibilities, including those listed above, then please explain

- why different standards should be applied on the basis of race, ethnicity, citizenship status or religion,

- why you consider yourself to be a

    -- supporter of democracy and freedom,

    -- morally righteous person,

    -- a religiously pious person whose faith advocates serving G-d through support, love, compassion and mercy for your fellow man.

 Regardless, please look at the memes below and think about

See Greg's original post on Facebook:


Nancy Simpson is in Southern California.
November 30, 2023 at 9:33 PM

Did you know๐Ÿง Everything that we tell ourselves becomes our reality๐Ÿ˜ฑ
If you’re told the lie enough times it becomes part of your reality.”‼️๐Ÿ‘️๐ŸŒ
What was your initial thought, red or blue !? ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ”ต
.Whether we think we can do something, or not do something, either way we’re always right.
Whether we think something is true or we think it’s false, either way we’re right.
This๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰The power of thought is beyond measure ⚡️

#thoughtsareenergy #thoughtsbecomethings








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