Wednesday, February 24, 2016

University Study Shows that the Maidan Massacre was Planned by the Putschists.

University Study Shows that the Maidan Massacre was Planned by the Putschists.

Greg Krasovsky: A Canadian academic, Ivan Katchanovski, has dared to assert that the Euromaydan massacre (shootings of protesters and police from February 18 to February 20, 2014 "was a false flag operation, which was rationally planned and executed with the aim to overthrow the government and seize power."

Sadly, I tend to agree with him from my own sources and analysis of events.

Now let's see if Mr. Katchanovski becomes as ostracized as Valentina Lisitsa, the Canadian Ukrainian pianist who dared to speak out against the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the post-putsch Turchinov-Yatsenyuk-Poroshenko government troops in east Ukraine.

See and


Selected excerpt:

"Ivan Katchanovski, professor of political science at the University of Ottawa, conducted a study on the massacre perpetrated by snipers on the Maidan square of Kiev in February, 2014.

The paper analyzes a large amount of material available from different sources:

- about 1500 videos and recordings from the internet and television in different countries (about 150 gigabytes),
- newsletters and social media messages from a hundred journalists covering the massacre of Kiev,
- about 5000 photos, and
- nearly 30 gigabytes of radio interceptions of snipers and commanders of the Alfa unit of the Security Service of Ukraine and Ministry troops of the Interior and
- finally records of the massacre trial.

This study is also based on field research on the massacre site, witness’ reports from both camps, the commanders of the special units, the statements made by current and former government officials, approximate estimates of ballistic trajectories, bullets and weapons used and the types of injuries on both sides.

This study establishes a specific timetable for the various events of the massacre, the shooters locations and the precise timing and location of the death of nearly 50 protesters.

This university investigation concluded that the massacre was a false flag operation, which was rationally planned and executed with the aim to overthrow the government and seize power."

Please read the rest at

Also please watch the following video:

Who's behind the Maidan killings of February 2014 ?

"Kiev regime lately trying to come up with different stories about the "unknown snipers" who shot "heavenly hundred"

We instead will rely solely on the facts and objectivity simply list them, without making any conclusions

- Events took place on February 18th

It was then, about at one o'clock day time, Euromaidan activists and journalists, on the Institutska street, found a car, "Honda" with state numbers AA4774SO (registered to the citizen of Ukraine Boyko Elena ), in which in the trunk was found a sniper rifle with telescopic sight and a silencer

The driver of the car (identified as Barladin Petr) hid his face behind a medical mask and to the questions of activists could not and would not give clear answers.

Almost immediately at the scene appeared MP from the party "Fatherland" Pashinsky Sergey. He prevented the activists to hold the car, and then directed the escape.

Along with Pashinsky on the scene arrived trustee of Arsen Avakov [who's now Minister of Internal Affairs], special forces "Bars" team member Sobolta Yuri

By order of Sergei Pashinsky (Pashinsky commanded almost exclusively by gestures, so his leadership is obvious) Sobolta gets in the car and takes it to an unknown destination

A short time later Sobolta become the personal bodyguard of the new Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. A month later for unknown services received from him a personal award pistol "Fort 1705»

Later nether Pashinsky or other figures of the case does not really explain where sniper rifle came from to Instytutska , why it was there, why it secretly taken out and where it is gone. Nor was made proper investigation of the involvement of this rifle to subsequent events, as well as the participants did not offered any alibi. As if nothing happened and this video is simply imagination."

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