Thursday, October 22, 2015

Reality Check: Obama Pushes Perpetual War In Seven Countries?

Reality Check: Obama Pushes Perpetual War In Seven Countries?

President Obama says that if the GOP had their way he would be involved in wars in seven different countries. Really? How many countries DOES the president have us fighting in?

This is a Reality Check you won't see anywhere else.... 

but on Youtube at:

"The people who make wars, the people who reduce their fellows to slavery, the people who kill and torture and tell lies in the name of their sacred causes, the really evil people in a word—these are never the publicans and the sinners. No, they’re the virtuous, respectable men, who have the finest feelings, the best brains, the noblest ideals."

ALDOUS HUXLEY, After Many a Summer Dies the Swan

So what was the reason why President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, again?

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