Who Owns Agricultural Land in Ukraine?
Transnational agribusinesses, including Monsanto, Cargill and DuPont, are increasingly investing and are taking over all aspects Ukraine’s agricultural system.
Insightful quotes quote: "The quest for Ukraine’s legendary black earth is almost complete. To the dismay of French, Polish, German farmers, the multinational agricultural corporation Monsanto, as well as DuPont Pioneer and John Deere, have all lobbied for access to the largest agricultural market in Eastern Europe. This will soon reshape the market for agricultural products in the EU and spell ruin for Europe’s farmers."
“We must ask ourselves: what impact will these investments have on the 7 million local farmers, especially with the expected lifting of the moratorium on land sales in 2016? And how will these deals affect Ukraine’s ability to control its own food supply and manage its economy in a way that will benefit the Ukrainian people?”
I've always been a supporter of a democratic and independent Ukraine -- a country where agricultural land and other important strategic natural resources (coal, shale oil & gas) belong to Ukranian citizens and Ukrainian-owned companies.
Today, I see a Ukrainian government that's more beholden to its foreign sponsors, including transnational carpetbaggers & vulture investors, than to Ukrainian citizens.
Once Ukraine's precious black earth -- a gift from G-d -- is tranferred into foreign hands or polluted with foreign-ownedGMOs, then the prospects for an independent and prosperous Ukraine will wither.
As they say, once you control a people's land, food supply, energy supplies and banking system, then there's no need for a military occupation, legal annexation or former colonization.
So while the current Ukrainian government is busy pumping up patriotism, shelling Eastern Ukrainian separatists & civilians and whipping up more anti-Russian war hysteria, the real war for Ukraine's economic independence is being lost -- on purpose -- in the battle for Ukraine's land and crops.
And that could do more long-term economic damage to Ukraine (its citizenry and not its transnational oligarchs) than the loss of pro-Russian regions like Crimea and the Donetsk Coal Basin.
Some useful articles on what's been happening to Ukrainian agriculture:
US Agribusiness, GMOs and the Plundering of the Planet
April 7, 2015
April 7, 2015
The Corporate Takeover of Ukrainian Agriculture
December 2014
New Fact Sheet Details Western Agribusiness Interests in Ukraine
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Land grab in Ukraine is Monsanto’s backdoor to the EU
Mon, Apr 6, 2015
Monsanto's Land Grab in Ukraine
February 06, 2015
More Evidence For Monsanto’s Role In The Ukrainian Coup?
January 13, 2015 by Sophie McAdam
What They're Not Telling You About Monsanto's Role In Ukraine!
Paul Craig Roberts on Russia, Ukraine, Monsanto, GMOs and more
Agenda-21, Globalist “Darling” Monsanto Finding a Backdoor into Ukraine and the E.U.
September 1, 2014
Monsanto in Ukraine - IMF loan for Ukraine may give GMO giant a backdoor into EU
Published time: August 30, 2014 15:33
Land Grabs in the Black Earth: Ukrainian Oligarchs and International Investors
30. Okt. 2013
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