Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Should we start removing statutes in Washington, DC of those accused of war crimes and genocide?

Greg Krasovsky: Some people have started to demand removing statutes of Confederate soldiers, officers and even generals -- because they are offensive to African-Americans who the Confederate patriots wanted to keep in slavery.

If that's the morally right and politically correct course of action, then shouldn't we demand that statutes of war criminals and perpetrators of genocide be removed as well -- regardless if these gentlemen were on the winning side of American history (at the expense of Native Americans)?

Smack in the middle of Washington stands the statute of General Phillip Sheridan, to whom the following quotes have been attributed:

"The only good Indians I ever saw were dead."

"Let them kill, skin and sell until the buffalo is exterminated."

Just based on that, I would venture to say that Gen. Sheridan's statute is offensive to Native Americans, not to mentions those residents of The Shenandoah Valley whose innocent civilian ancestors suffered and died at the hands of Union soldiers under Gen. Sheridan's command.

After all, the proponents of removing statutes of anti-heroes don't think that they're erasing history, but just correcting historical bias by making sure that people who today we consider criminals don't get to stand on pedestals that should be reserved for true heroes and people with morally positive accomplishments.

Obviously, killing Native Americans, destroying buffalo as their food source and scorching entire regions to punish civilian populations doesn't seem to qualify one for a glorious statute in the middle of Washington, DC, even if you were a General and the city still has a football team called The Redskins.

What do you think?


Sheridan Monument - a statute tp General Philip Sheridan, Union general of the American Civil War and later general of the United States Army. The statue was dedicated on November 27, 1908


The bronze statue of Major General Philip Henry Sheridan is located in the center of Sheridan Circle at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue NW, 23rd Street NW and R Street NW in Washington, DC.

The figures of Gen Sheridan and his horse are approximately life-sized.

Gen Sheridan is depicted with his right arm extended, hat in hand, as if commanding cavalry forces in action.

The bronze figures are mounted on a concrete base, about three feet in height.

The horse, Rienzi (later re-named Winchester), is depicted with all four hooves planted.

The statue was executed by Gutzon Borglum, better known as the creator of the massive presidential sculpture on Mount Ruchmore in South Dakota.


Philip Henry Sheridan (March 6, 1831[2] – August 5, 1888) was a career United States Army officer and a Union general in the American Civil War.
In 1864, he defeated Confederate forces in the Shenandoah Valley and his destruction of the economic infrastructure of the Valley, called "The Burning" by residents, was one of the first uses of scorched earth tactics in the war.
Sheridan fought in later years in the Indian Wars of the Great Plains.

Under pressure from the governors, General Grant turned to Sheridan.[44] In September 1866, Sheridan arrived at the former Fort Martin Scott near Fredericksburg, Texas, where he spent three months subduing Indians in the Texas Hill Country.[45]

In August 1867, Grant appointed Sheridan to head the Department of the Missouri and pacify the Plains. His troops, even supplemented with state militia, were spread too thin to have any real effect.

He conceived a strategy similar to the one he used in the Shenandoah Valley.

In the Winter Campaign of 1868–69 (of which the Battle of Washita River was part) he attacked the Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Comanche tribes in their winter quarters, taking their supplies and livestock and killing those who resisted, driving the rest back into their reservations.

When Sherman was promoted to General of the Army following Grant's election as President of the United States, Sheridan was appointed to command the Military Division of the Missouri, with all the Great Plains under his command.

Professional hunters, trespassing on Indian land, killed over 4 million bison by 1874, and Sheridan applauded: "Let them kill, skin and sell until the buffalo is exterminated".

When the Texas legislature considered outlawing bison poaching on tribal lands, Sheridan personally testified against it, suggesting that the legislature should give each of the hunters a medal, engraved with a dead buffalo on one side and a discouraged-looking Indian on the other.[46]

Eventually the Indians returned to their designated reservations. Sheridan's department conducted the Red River War, the Ute War, and the Great Sioux War of 1876-77, which resulted in the death of a trusted subordinate, Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer.

The Indian raids subsided during the 1870s and were almost over by the early 1880s, as Sheridan became the commanding general of the U.S. Army.[47]

Comanche Chief Tosawi reputedly told Sheridan in 1869, "Me, Tosawi; me good Injun," to which Sheridan supposedly replied, "The only good Indians I ever saw were dead."

Sheridan denied he had ever made the statement.

Biographer Roy Morris Jr. states that, nevertheless, popular history credits Sheridan with saying "The only good Indian is a dead Indian."

This variation "has been used by friends and enemies ever since to characterize and castigate his Indian-fighting career."[48] In Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Dee Brown attributed the quote to Sheridan but did not provide documentation to support his contention, so the quote may be more apocryphal than real.[49]


Heroin Dealer in Chief: Afghanistan, Source of 90% of The World’s Heroin!

Greg Krasovsky: Recently, a friend lost a child to an overdose. 

My American hometown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is suffering from an opiate overdose epidemic. 

Please read my Facebook post on this tragedy at

So where is all this heroin coming from?

Guess what? 90% is coming from Afghanistan!

Why can't the DEA, Coast Guard and DHS shut down heroin imports?

When I was a police officer in Philadelphia (1989-1992), a DEA agent told me that their hands were being tied by the CIA and State Department who prevented the DEA from arresting foreign drug lords in South & Central America and Asia because these drug lords were valuable assets who helped the U.S. fight local socialist and communist movements during the Cold War with the USSR (Soviet Union).

The same thing is happening in Afghanistan. U.S. government troops and our coalition partners are protecting Afghan drug lords and guarding poppy fields!

Why? Because these drug lords are helping the U.S. fight The Taliban (a movement the CIA funded with Pakistani ISI to fight the Soviets and the secular pro-Soviet socialist government in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989).

The Taliban, a fundamentalist Muslim movement, used to publicly execute large-scale poppy growers, drug dealers and users. Unfortunately, The Taliban don't want US troops or a pro-American secular government in Afghanistan.

So if we want to fight the opiate epidemic that's ravaging America today and killing over 100 thousand Americans annually, then we have no choice but to shut down Afghan poppy production, processing and exports.

What will that take? Political will power and the honesty to recognize that we're no longer in Afghanistan to fight Osama Bin Laden (former CIA asset) and his Al Qaeda (formerly funded by the CIA to fights Soviets).

We're in Afghanistan today for geopolitical reasons, including

(a) containing Russia and Iran in that region,

(b) Containing fundamentalist Islam, including protecting The Islamic Republic of Pakistan (with nuclear weapons!) from Afghanistan next-door,

(c) asserting influence (i.e. controlling) on oil & gas exports  in the Caspian Sea basin and potential pipelines through Afghanistan, and

(d) keeping the American Military-Industrial Complex well-fed with massive expenditures on the U.S. military presence and operations in/around Afghanistan.

But the price is being paid by the American tax-payer and victims of the drug epidemic (including victims of drug-related crime and families of drug addicts, both dead and alive).

So when President Donald Trump announces an "opiate overdose & epidemic state of emergency" in the U.S. and then decides to send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan who'll protect the same Afghan Drug Lords that are killing American citizens with their heroin, then we have a huge problem!

And what's the excuse that we're hearing these days to justify sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan?

You'll never believe it - the Russian bogey-man!

The U.S. State Department is accusing Russia of selling arms to the Taliban!

That's right, folks, Russia -

- a country with plenty of Afghan war veterans who still have the scars of fighting US-armed Taliban.

- a country that's very keen on keeping out Afghani heroin produced by U.S. backed Drug Lords!

- a country that regularly fights - internally and abroad - fundamentalist Islamic terrorists belonging to groups similar to the Taliban!

Do the decision-makers at The State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and The White House really believe that they can sell this stuff to American voters and tax-payers?

Perhaps through establishment-controlled propaganda outlets like the corporate-owned main stream media sources (The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and etc)?

Even if the American public is fooled, do these people think that they can fool educated and experienced people and decision-makers outside of the United States?

Or will American foreign policy in Afghanistan create distrust and opposition among America's foreign partners?

What do you think?


"Heroin Dealer in Chief. Afghanistan, Source of 90% of The World’s Heroin."

Selected Excerpts:

"Americans, 5% of Earth’s population, take 60% of painkillers on Earth. USA #1 for heroin addiction now too. US government and corporate executives are waging opium war. Against US. Americans are the most drugged people on Earth.

US government installed Hamid Karzai, CIA agent, as Afghanistan’s President in 2002 to restore the drug trade. Ahmed Wali Karzai, heroin dealer, was Hamid’s brother. “The Afghan narcotics economy was a carefully designed project of the CIA”. “A convicted heroin trafficker, Izzatullah Wasifi, was appointed by Karzai to head an anti-corruption agency.” US government made Afghanistan into a narco state. By 2006, LA Times reported Afghan heroin flooding in, but wouldn’t investigate how. 1,000,000 people worldwide have been killed by heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan.

189,000 Americans were heroin addicts in 2001. White House reported 1,500,000 US heroin addicts by 2010. That figure shot up (2010-2015) to 2,500,000 heroin addicts.

Afghan opium spread from 7,600 hectares (2001) to 224,000 hectares (2014). US heroin deaths skyrocketed 1,779 (2001) to 10,574 (2014) and are on track to hit 16,500 in 2016.


2,500,000 heroin addicts plus 2,000,000 casual heroin users means 1/70 Americans use heroin. Crime waves are surging, ruining families and neighborhoods, shocking and awing victims being robbed and sometimes killed by addicts craving another piece of heroin pie from US-occupied Afghanistan.

Hepatitis C, a deadly virus, is surging; users share needles. Sovaldi, a Gilead Biosciences drug, costing $84,000, cures Hep C. 200,000 users catching Hep C annually means $16,500,000,000 added profit for Gilead Biosciences annually. Donald Rumsfeld was Gilead Biosciences CEO before becoming Secretary of Defense in 2001.

Pure heroin costs $450/gram in the USA. Regular users take 400 mg daily, light users as little as 25 mg, heavy users a few grams. 1,000 Americans try heroin their first time every day.

224,000 hectares of Afghan opium can make 560,000 kilograms of heroin annually. $450/gram x 1,000 x 560,000 equals $252,000,000,000 cold hard cash annually. $252,000,000,000 makes the fattest 6-figure gravy train government salary look like chump change. $252 billion annually dealing heroin could supplement CIA’s Congressional financing (or be Plan B for CIA financing).

52,833 US heroin deaths occurred (2001-2014). US heroin deaths quadrupled (2002-2013), doubling from 2010 to 2013, and are slated to double again (2013-2016). Heroin deaths will kill 165,000 Americans (2016-2026). Plus thousands more from heroin-related diseases and heroin-fueled robberies and home invasions. $252 billion from Afghan heroin is blood money, your hands are covered in blood.

In 2013, an American died every 64 minutes from heroin, now, an American dies every 32 minutes. Americans being killed at a rate of 165,000 per decade by Afghan heroin is triple the 55,000 Americans killed in the Vietnam War (1965-1975).

Government officials, claiming War in Afghanistan was somehow supposed to make us safer against terrorism, which killed 2,977, need to answer how is killing 165,000 Americans saving 2,977Americans?

2,500,000 US addicts x 0.4 grams daily x 365 days/year equals 365,000 kilograms. Light users take 50,000 kilograms annually. US heroin demand is 415,000 kilograms annually. 166,000 hectares of opium are needed to make 415,000 kilograms of heroin. 1 hectare = 25 kilograms opium = 2.5 kilograms heroin.

DEA’s 2015 Heroin Threat Assessment focuses on 7% of US heroin from Latin America. Why’s DEA focusing on only 7%? Why’s DEA silent, dead silent, about the other 93%? They don’t want to upset the Afghan heroin cart.

(Approximately 3% comes from Southeast Asia or synthetic sources.)

Why are DEA bosses (tacitly) approving 90% of heroin in US from US-occupied Afghanistan? How high up in government does this heroin dealing racket go? Why did DEA do nothing (1980’s) to combat crack cocaine from Latin America flown into USA on CIA planes? DEA hasn’t been held accountable, while CIA grifters made billions dealing crack in US. The Treasury Department, another finger of the same glove, did nothing about billions in tax-free cash made by CIA felons. Tax evasion is a felony too. No red flags when CIA officers get megabucks in excess of their government salaries?


Why did US invade Afghanistan in 2001? Iraq was invaded because Bush, Rumsfeld etc. claimed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Which was a lie. Another reason, Bush gets bored by peace. (Satan also gets bored by peace if I’m recalling my Sunday School classes correctly.)

September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists (15 Saudi Arabians, 2 from United Arab Emirates, 1 Egyptian and 1 Lebanese) killed 2,977 people by crashing hijacked airplanes in US. The terrorists got their training at Huffman Aviation flight school in Florida. Government officials decided to attack, not Saudi Arabia where most terrorists come from, but Afghanistan. Why? The government narrative has been sketchy.

Afghanistan became the #1 worldwide producer of opium and heroin by 1995. The CIA created Taliban government exported opium and heroin to Iran, Russia and China addicting millions, causing enormous economic damages, heroin-fueled crime waves plus deadly epidemics (AIDS, Hepatitis C).

Have CIA officers recruited agents in Iran, Russia or China? Is it easier to recruit heroin addicts? Would CIA officers dangling taxpayers cash or heroin at addicts help to make them agents? US schools are mandated for 13 years, when we learn things like cause, effect, motives, means, logic, reasoning, deductive reasoning. Of course it’s easier to recruit addicts. Why not recruit sober agents instead, is it because sober people are not interested in working for the US government."


Please read the rest of this article,

"Heroin Dealer in Chief. Afghanistan, Source of 90% of The World’s Heroin" at

and the following articles:

"Drug War? American Troops Are Protecting Afghan Opium. U.S. Occupation Leads to All-Time High Heroin Production" at

"US Congress’s Take on the Heroin Epidemic. 6400 tons Produced in US-Occupied Afghanistan…"
October 17, 2016

"Obama Gives a “Green Light” to the “Heroin Epidemic”"
April 23, 2016