Tuesday, September 8, 2015

2 cases of polio found in Ukraine, caused by mutated virus.

Polio in the geographic center of Europe in 2015?
This is what happens when instead of spending limited government budgets (or money borrowed from the IMF, EU and World Bank) on health care and vaccination, you spend it instead on militarization and a needless civil war in East Ukraine -- a war that could have been either prevented or resolved through political negotiations and compromise involving decentralization and increased regional autonomy.
Sad, but true.

2 cases of polio found in Ukraine, caused by mutated virus.

"LONDON (AP) - The World Health Organization says officials have found two children stricken by polio in Ukraine, the country's first cases of the paralytic disease in nine years.
Health officials had warned Ukraine was at high risk of a polio outbreak due to its low vaccination rates; only half of children were immunized against diseases like polio last year.
WHO said the risk of Ukraine exporting polio to other countries was low but noted the region where the cases were found shares borders with Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland."

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