Greg Krasovsky
November 8, 2022
To all my American readers, on today's Election Day please read this post and think about the quotes listed below before and/or after you vote!
FYI, since I turned 18 in 1986 in Philadelphia, I considered myself a Southern Democrat.
After coming back to Philadelphia from Moscow, Russia in 2004 -- I lived & worked there from 1993 to 2004 -- I realized that the Republican and Democratic Parties were just the left and right wing on one bird, the American Eagle.
When one wing swung stronger as the dominant one, our Bald Eagle flew more in its direction. For a time...
Having lived and worked in Wild-West Russia of the 1990s and come back to the U.S. after Al Gore's loss to George Bush in 2000, the "Al-Qaeda" terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001, the subsequent U.S. invasions of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2033, I learned some things along the way that I'd like to share with you to help you become a better voter:
1. Once wealthy people / families / groups accumulate enough wealth (Billions & Trillions of Dollars, EUROs, etc.), they start to own Financial-Industrial Groups (FIGs) that have cross-holdings domestically and internationally.
2. These FIGs (which include many Fortune 500 companies) are owned by either very rich families, trusts or investments funds. Regardless, these FIGs are controlled by a small group of people either directly or indirectly.
3. The FIGs' wealthy owners & decision-makers know from the beginning that the only power big enough to take away their wealth & power or to safeguard them is the government with its tax agencies, regulators (securities, monopoly, labor, environmental, intellectual property, etc.) prosecutors, courts, law enforcement, security/intelligence agencies and military.
So these wealthy folks make sure that the government is on their side -- i.e. under their direction & control!
4. As such, the vast majority of governments, elected government officials and their political appointees, senior government officials who rose up the ranks of civil service, politicians and political parties are owned, controlled and directed by certain FIGs, some just domestic, others transnational (global in reach, i.e. globalist)
This includes control over the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government.
5. This includes control over non-government / non-profit and even community organizations ranging in size from behemoths like the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund to small NGOs on a local level.
6. This is includes control over think tanks and consulting groups that draw-up both corporate and government strategy & tactics (policies) and help implement them as well as major government contractors, including in the Intelligence-Military-Industrial Complex.
7. This includes control over the 4th estate - Mass / Main-Stream Media (MSM) that are either owned by FIGs or funded/controlled by the government.
Once you control Mass / Main-Stream Media (MSM), you control the narrative and gave great propaganda tools at your disposal. This is even more than corporate Public Relations on Steroids!
Now, the public will see, hear and read -- on TV, Radio, printed press and internet!
8. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the reach of government & corporate propaganda has extended beyond MSM to
- Internet Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex,
- Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.)
- Instant Messengers (Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Signal IM, Lime)
through control of search results, censorship, banning, shadow-banning and etc.
The control of MSM, Search Engines, Social Media and Instant Messengers allows FIGs to hide their control over governments from the public, many of who still naively believe that they live in a genuine democracy where they get to vote (without any outside influence) for independent candidates of their choice who will be beholden only to their electorate and while in public office will serve their electorate and country with integrity, competence, honesty and loyalty.
9. This includes control over Entertainment Media - Movies, TV, Music, Performing arts, Literature and etc..
10. This includes control over organized religion, which is extremely important since religious fundamentalists (in any faith) represent a potential threat to egoistic and often atheistic capitalists that own & run FIGs.
11. This includes control over Education -- through government funding & regulations as well as ownership, grants and tenure of leading educational institutions, include those of higher learning (both civil and military), like the Ivy League and Military Academies.
12. Aside from controlling governments, media and other important institutions, FIGs control key industries that are vital to modern life, such as
- Water, Food & Agriculture
-- Clean & plentiful water sources for human consumption, agriculture & industry
-- Arable land (good soil)
-- Fertilizers & Pesticides
- Medicine:
-- Medical Treatment & Research Centers, publications, boards & organizations
-- Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices & Vaccines
- Transportation (Air, Sea, Land)
- Communications (Air, Sea, Land, Space)
- IT Equipment
- Energy (Oil, Gas, Electrical, Hydro, Nuclear, Solar, Wind & etc.)
- Construction supplies & Construction
- Waste Management & recycling
- Consumer Finance (mortgages, consumer loans, credit cards, student loans, credit bureaus & ratings)
- Private Security Industry
- Private Prisons & control of those on pre-trial release, probation and parole
If necessary, any of the above industries can be used for political purposes (including controlling populations) by controlling supply & demand through pricing and access.
Do you see the potential for abuse if there is not independent, competent and effective government regulation & oversight?
But how can there be any "effective government regulation & oversight" if the government regulators are also controlled by the same FIGs that own the industrial giants which need to be regulated?
13. On top of all this in today's world ALL of the following organizations of any substantial size & power (domestic and international) are controlled by at least one country's law enforcement, security/intelligence agencies or specialized government regulators (either directly or indirectly through FIGs):
a. Terrorist Organizations;
b. Sellers and traffickers of Weaponry & other military supplies;
c. Major organizations that grow, manufacture, transport and distribute illegal "Street" drugs, legal prescription & even legal alcohol;
d. Major Prostitution, Human Trafficking and Pedophile rings;
e. Major cyber-hackers, including groups that specialize in ransom-ware, extortion-ware, theft and resale of card, bank & payments system information, theft of cyber-currency and other personal information that's sold to identity thieves.
f. Major hate organizations (based on ethnicity, nationality (citizenship), race, religion or other socioeconomic status.
g. Poaching rings that hunt & sell endangered animals.
14. So please remember: in today's world, at least since the end of World War II in 1945, there have been NO large (meaningful) organizations on either the domestic or international level that were independent of state/government control with all ensuing moral and legal ramifications.
So all the horrific evil acts evil that you have seen done in our world since 1945 by any and all of the above types of organizations, including
a. wars (civil & foreign),
b. Ethnic/religious cleansing, persecution and discrimination
c. Major terrorist acts,
d. War crimes,
e. Crimes against humanity, and
f. Other large-scale human rights violations,
-- e.g. testing (experimentation) & use of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons,
have been planned, organized and/or committed not just by the above criminal groups but also by state/government controllers and allied FIGs for what they consider rational & justifiable reasons:
a. profit
b. national security interests
- political interests
- economic interests
- military interests
- social & cultural agendas
c. control of criminal groups for (a) & (b) above.
d. control of local, ethnic, racial, nationalist, religious groups for (a) & (b) above.
14. With all this in mind, do you think that the president, senators, congressmen, heads of federal departments & agencies and even federal judges (all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court) are moral & independent actors who're in office to help the American people -- the 99% of regular Americans living paycheck to paycheck (unless unemployed)?
Is it any different on the state, county or city/municipal level?
Do you think that it's any different in the United Nations or the European Union's Commission?
15. Sure, elected, appointed & promoted government officials get some leeway -- but only on non-critical issues, such as some social issues.
But when it comes to BIG money (we're talking about millions on local level and billions on federal & international levels), any and every official WILL obey the party line.
BIG Money includes activities listed in sections 1 to 14 above, especially
- War,
- Energy,
- Weapons sales,
- Medicine / Pharmaceuticals,
- Food & Agriculture,
- Transportation,
- Communications, and
- Other large-scale billion-dollar government contracts
So here's what happens to you mess with BIG money without the FIGs express prior permission:
- kicked out of office, fired,
- demonized, reputation destroyed,
- blacklisted,
- sued,
- impoverished, bankrupted,
- prosecuted (selective prosecution),
- incarcerated (taxes evasion & bank fraud are easy to establish),
- dies of heart attack, stroke, rapid & rare cancer, etc.
- street crime victim,
- death from a car/airplane/boat accident or
- death by suicide
-- if necessary, suicide only after killing your own family and/or shooting yourself in the head twice (just to be sure).
16. After accepting all the premises listed above (what a lucky number!), in 2005 i chose to become an independent voter, although independent candidates generally don't win, especially on the national level.
So in most municipal, state and federal elections, I get to chose the "lesser of two evils" among Democratic and Republican candidates.
17. Once you understand and accept all the premises list above -- basically take the RED pill in our current political matrix -- then you will have a choice on whether to participate in the ordinary law-abiding, tax-paying, church-going people's struggle to regain control of their governments and countries from the current FIG-controlled oligarchy.
But before you make that choice, you'll need to ask some questions and get some honest & accurate answers:
Why do we need to regain control of our governments in order to restore genuine democracy?
Why do we need to limit the participation of FIGs & big business in the political process, including by prohibiting any funding of political parties, candidates, PACs and political advertising by legal entities (companies, corporations, partnerships, trusts, non-profits [funded by business] and business associations)?
Why do we need to limit & tightly control the ownership of MSM, Social Media and other key industries in order to protect our freedoms and a people's democracy?
Why do we need to limit the influence of our Intelligence-Military-Industrial Complex (defense & intelligence contractors) in our political process to prevent our involvement in wars and military conflicts abroad, including in Ukraine?
Why do we need to tightly control the influence of FIGs and Big Pharma in our government medical policies, including containment, treatment and prevention of pathogens that cause pandemics like COVID-19?
Why do we need to limit the influence of FIGS and their involvement in government regulation of our water and food supplies?
Why do we need to limit the influence of FIGS and their involvement in government regulation of our children's education?
18. Who's the lesser of two evils in these mid-term elections - Democratic or Republican candidates?
Honestly, I don't know long term, but short term -- after the last two years of Biden's presidency and Democratic control of congress -- I'm leaning toward the Republican Party.
That's another story for another article.
So stay tuned.
But in the meantime, please don't forget to vote based on your own research, on independent alternative press articles, based on your conscience and ONLY AFTER READING & UNDERSTANDING ALL OF THE QUOTES AND ARTICLES LISTED BELOW!
Vote early and vote often! [1]
― Al Capone[?]
I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how. [2]
― Joseph Stalin 1879–1953, Soviet dictator, said in 1923
“To permit irresponsible authority is to sell disaster.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers
“Voting the wrong ones to rule and expecting the incredible and fertile outcome, shows idiocy and wrong choice.”
― Ehsan Sehgal
“People will say with a straight face that having one choice for dear leader is tyranny – but having two is freedom.”
― Michael Malice, The Anarchist Handbook
“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
― Winston S. Churchill
“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
― H.L. Mencken
“Presidents are selected, not elected.”
― Franklin Delano Roosevelt
“_They_ believe that the Ballot will rob them of their Power and Privileges, whereas _I_ am sure that, by the exercise of even such little Prudence and Cunning as parsimonious Nature has endowed them with, they can with ease maintain themselves in their present pre-eminence.
This being so, let the Rabble amuse itself by voting.
An Election is no more than a gratuitous Punch and Judy Show, offered by the Rulers in order to distract the attention of the Ruled.”
― Aldous Huxley, After Many a Summer Dies the Swan
“Capitalism is the means by which the elite rule.
Democracy is the charade that pretends the people are in charge.
The people are so dumb they don’t understand that to apply rich man’s capitalism to non-rich-man’s democracy is a category error.
There is no democracy in capitalism.
How many capitalist businesses are run as democracies?
If democracy is so great, why haven’t all capitalists adopted it ... rather than making sure it makes no appearance at all in the corridors of capitalist power?
Capitalists never subject their capital to public scrutiny.
They never require public approval.
They never make themselves accountable to the people.
They never subject themselves to the vote, to election.
Yet they all proclaim themselves the champions of Freedom and Democracy (aka Freedumb and Dumbocracy).
They are the Pinocchio Class, with the longest noses you could ever conceive.”
― Ranty McRanterson, Planet Stupid: How Earth Got Dumber and Dumber
“The Republican and Democratic parties both feed out of the same bag provided by the monied system, and where the list frequently differs the same interests are represented.”
― George Seldes
“General Motors, General Mills, General Foods, general ignorance, general apathy, and general cussedness elect presidents and Congressmen and maintain them in power.”
― Herbert M Shelton
“Representative government is artifice, a political myth, designed to conceal from the masses the dominance of a self-selected, self-perpetuating, and self-serving traditional ruling class.”
― Giuseppe Prezzolini
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I’m a moron. Fool me three or more times consecutively, and I’m a VOTER. Not even ducks are that dumb.”
― Jarod Kintz, Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.
“Pops added,"you know, they say if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve."
"And if you do, you never get the results you expected," (Katherine) replied.”
― E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly,
“You know your vote doesn't count, but you go through the motions, because it's been drummed into your head that you might be the one person who makes a difference.”
― Marshall Karp, The Rabbit Factory
18. "If you don’t vote, you lose the right to complain.” George Carlin, American Comedian
32. "If we don’t vote, we are ignoring history and giving away the future." Pat Michell, American Businesswoman
“I would rather be ruled by people who think they're going to fry in Hell forever if they rule me poorly, than by people for whom I'm merely a convenient economic siphon who can be milked like a cow.”
― Charles A. Coulombe
33. "Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting." Franklin D. Roosevelt, Former U.S. President
34. "Elections belong to the people.” Abraham Lincoln, Former U.S. President
“Elections aren't a matter of who wins. They are about who best represent our values. Voting is not only about exercising our democratic right and expressing the will of the people but also a way of demanding for the services that we deserve from those that we can trust”
― Njau Kihia
“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt
“The job facing American voters… in the days and years to come is to determine which hearts, minds and souls command those qualities best suited to unify a country rather than further divide it, to heal the wounds of a nation as opposed to aggravate its injuries, and to secure for the next generation a legacy of choices based on informed awareness rather than one of reactions based on unknowing fear.”
― Aberjhani, Illuminated Corners: Collected Essays and Articles Volume I.
“Some people vote for the party, some for the candidate, while there are some that vote for their belief or believing in the ideology. They all believe these are different choices, and that they have chosen wisely.”
― Ashutosh Joshi
“The preacher who casts a vote for conscience' sake, runs the risk of starving.”
― Mark Twain, Autobiography of Mark Twain: Volume 1, Reader's Edition
“The American Negro saw, in the land from which he had been snatched and thrown into slavery, a great pageant of political progress. He realized that just thirty years ago there were only three independent nations in the whole of Africa. He knew that by 1963 more than thirty-four African nations had risen from colonial bondage. The Negro saw black statesmen voting on vital issues in the United Nations—and knew that in many cities of his own land he was not permitted to take that significant walk to the ballot box. He saw black kings and potentates ruling from palaces—and knew he had been condemned to move from small ghettos to larger ones. Witnessing the drama of Negro progress elsewhere in the world, witnessing a level of conspicuous consumption at home exceeding anything in our history, it was natural that by 1963 Negroes would rise with resolution and demand a share of governing power, and living conditions measured by American standards rather than by the standards of colonial impoverishment.”
― Martin Luther King Jr., Why We Can't Wait
“are you not slaves to the money power as much as were the black slaves to the Southern slaveholders? Then we ask you again: What are you going to do about it? You had the ballot then. Could you have voted away black slavery? You know you could not because the slaveholders would not hear of such a thing for the same reason you can’t vote yourselves out of wage-slavery.”
― Lucy Parsons
“the only true vote we have (and have retained for the entirety of modern American history) is spending power. The almighty dollar is still more influential than speeches and campaigns.”
― Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“The business of voting your conscience is: Do you really care just about how you feel? or, Do you care about what happens to the world? If you care about what you feel you don't have any conscience, you're not a moral agent at all, so stop talking about conscience, you don't have any.”
― Noam Chomsky, Global Discontents: Conversations on the Rising Threats to Democracy
Lesser evil voting should be simply called elementary rationality and elementary morality.”
― Noam Chomsky, Global Discontents: Conversations on the Rising Threats to Democracy
Selected Quotes by James Thomas Kesterson Jr:
“Voting for a politician in a corrupted political system is no different than giving a set of keys to your home to a criminal just because everyone says that if you don't do it then you can't complain about crime.”
― James Thomas Kesterson Jr
“America has ceased to be a democracy as early as 1913.”
― James Thomas Kesterson Jr
“If voting made a difference then how come America is no better off today than is was 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago and will not be any better off 5 years from today?”
― James Thomas Kesterson Jr
“Voting today makes about as much sense as choosing which poison you'd rather drink. The wise choice, is not to make any choice.”
― James Thomas Kesterson Jr
“I would never be allowed to become president of the United States of America because I'm patriotic, I love my country, I hate government, I hate secret societies, I believe in family values, education, and equality for everyone. All these beliefs are a threat to the establishment and anyone who opposes their beliefs will not be allowed to become a leader in this country.”
― James Thomas Kesterson Jr
“The president has absolutely no choice in who he has in his cabinet. Those choices are made by the same people who chose him to become president.”
― James Thomas Kesterson Jr
“Throughout history, the majority of the population has been wrong..”
― James Thomas Kesterson Jr
“Democrats versus Republicans is a huge scam designed to make you angry towards other Americans, specifically, your family, friends, and co-workers.”
― James Thomas Kesterson Jr
“The founding fathers of America, if alive today, would be thrown in prison and be charged as domestic terrorist by todays government.”
― James Thomas Kesterson Jr
Sources for quotes:
[1] Vote early and vote often!
Vote early and vote often is a generally tongue-in-cheek phrase used in relation to elections and the voting process.
Though rarely considered a serious suggestion, the phrase theoretically encourages corrupt electoral activity, but is used mostly to suggest the occurrence of such corruption.[1]
The phrase had its origins in the United States in the mid-19th century, and had an early appearance in Britain when a newspaper reprinted correspondence from an American solicitor.
The phrase, however, did not find widespread use until the early 1900s when it was used in relation to the activities of organized crime figures in Chicago.
[2] Stalin Quotes:
"I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how. [2]"
― Joseph Stalin 1879–1953, Soviet dictator, said in 1923; Boris Bazhanov The Memoirs of Stalin's Former Secretary (1992);
Says Joseph Stalin said, "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
No, Joseph Stalin didn't say this statement about elections!
By Ciara O'Rourke
March 27, 2019
"Many things that are attributed to Stalin are false," he said. "I would not attribute this to him."
But Mark Kramer, director of the Cold War studies program at Harvard University, pointed us to something close.
In memoirs written after his retirement, Boris Bazhanov, Stalin’s former personal secretary, claimed that Stalin said:
"Я считаю, что совершенно неважно, кто и как будет в партии голосовать; но вот что чрезвычайно важно, это кто и как будет считать голоса."
It translates to: "I regard it as completely unimportant who in the party will vote and how, but it is extremely important who will count the votes and how."
Bazhanov said Stalin was talking about the voting procedures for higher organs of the Communist Party, according to Kramer.
"There is no way to know for sure whether he is accurately recounting Stalin’s words, if Stalin in fact said such a thing," Kramer said.
"Hence, I regard this as a statement attributed to Stalin by his former secretary Boris Bazhanov."
David Brandenberger, an associate history professor at the University of Richmond, said Bazhanov fled the Soviet Union in 1928 and then published his "rather unreliable muckraking memoir in 1930."
"Most experts consider Bazhanov’s Stalin quotation to be apocryphal," he said.
Another version of this so-called Stalin quote, as Brandenberger called it, is: "In the bourgeois countries, it is not important how they vote, but how they do the counting."
Some say Stalin was quoting Napoleon III, Brandenberger said, but there’s no authentic record showing this.
Are people who vote healthier than those who don’t?
Better individual and community health may be related to voting habits, UCLA study shows
Elaiza Torralba | September 17, 2020
A new policy brief by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research shows that California adults who in are good health with little psychological distress are more likely to consistently vote in local, state and national elections than those with physical or psychological health issues.
Voting Rights Milestones in America: A Timeline
Through the decades, the right to vote in U.S. elections has seen massive change and expansion.
Lesley Kennedy
Apr 19, 2021
Since America’s founding days, when voting was limited to white male property owners, to the transformative Voting Rights Act of 1965, to sweeping voting process reform introduced in the early 2000s, the right to vote in U.S. elections has seen massive change.
Timeline of voting rights in the United States
Voting rights in the United States
Voting rights in the United States, specifically the enfranchisement and disenfranchisement of different groups, has been a moral and political issue throughout United States history.
Voter suppression in the United States
Voter suppression in the United States is various legal and illegal efforts to prevent eligible voters from exercising their right to vote. Where found, such voter suppression efforts vary by state, local government, precinct, and election. Voter suppression has historically been used for racial, economic, gender, age and disability discrimination.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a landmark piece of federal legislation in the United States that prohibits racial discrimination in voting.[7][8]
It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson during the height of the civil rights movement on August 6, 1965, and Congress later amended the Act five times to expand its protections.[7]
Designed to enforce the voting rights guaranteed by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, the Act sought to secure the right to vote for racial minorities throughout the country, especially in the South.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the Act is considered to be the most effective piece of federal civil rights legislation ever enacted in the country.[9]
It is also "one of the most far-reaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history."[10]
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